Bill payments made easy

All modern SaaS tools need payments. But development resource is scarce and you are in a hurry. Adfin gives you the best payment experience possible, for the lowest cost, and for the least effort. Now that’s a win-win-win.

Happy business owner thinking of his invoicing strategy
API call fro Adfin.
Easy to integrate

We get platforms

No-code, full API, components... we have built Adfin from the ground up to work for platforms. Vastly simpler than a PSP integration but with better experiences for your customers. Start with a no-code integration to test appetite and graduate to a full API integration: we get you live faster.

Cut development costs

Focus on where you add value

Invoices can be paid in lots of ways: up front, in instalments, collected after the event, discounts for faster payment... and conventional PSP integrations require you to build and manage all that complexity in your platform. In Adfin you simply create one Invoice request, and can use our UX components to let the biller customise it. Leapfrog your competitors with a richer feature set, freeing up time to develop your core product.

Instalment settings in the dashboard
Intelligent payment methods to pay invoice.
Best-in-class UX

Intelligent payments

Open banking is great - but too many consumers are not ready for it. We intelligently present card and bank payments together to maximise acceptance, while minimising cost. It’s the best of both worlds in one integration.

Increase revenue

Earn more

Improve your revenue from payments while outsourcing all the cost and complexity to us. Use the freed up dev resources to invest in your core product, generating much better longer term returns for your business. You haven’t built your own word processor: why build your own payments system?

2 business woman looking at the  analytics on their laptop.

Give your customers 
the best

Business women looking at their laptop.

A true partnership

We are an ambitious team of payments and banking experts, accustomed to working with enterprise partners. We guarantee you a highly personal relationship.

Great UX = happy customers

Consumers have high standards - and so do your customers. Adfin gives you access to the best possible payment experience, keeping your customers coming back for more.

Full flexibility

At Adfin, all communications can be fully customised, including via API. With our Console, you can easily track and monitor activities in real-time.


We like to keep things simple: it’s free to create an account, there are no monthly fees, and no minimums. We just charge for payments.

Adfin currently supports payments for UK-based businesses.

Pricing plan
<1% per successful payment
Invoice management
Create a payment request: no-code or via API
Query invoice status via webhooks
Reconcile all transactions to an accounting package - yourselves, or on behalf of customers
Export data
Invoice distribution
Leverage Adfin's communication services to sending invoices and reminders by email, WhatsApp, and SMS
Leverage Adfin's intelligent payment reminders
Adfin Intelligent Payments: best-in-class cards, bank transfers and direct debits to maximise acceptance
Apple Pay and Google Pay
Leading fraud prevention and security
Daily (weekday) payout to your bank account or customer's bank account
Payments and reconciliation at sub-account level, e.g. safeguarded client accounts
Dedicated, highly expert UK support at your disposal 24/7
Custom integration work to lighten load on your dev team
Contact us for a quote
If the user pays with a business card, or a non-UK card, we’ll have to pass on an additional 1% processing fee as these cards cost significantly more to process.

Want to lead the way?

Contact us to join our closed beta.


Payments was our most-requested feature, but to be honest we weren’t sure how to build it. The Adfin team are super easy to work with and we’re excited about the product we’re building together.



Card payments aren’t 100% suitable for us - they are just too expensive for our customers. We love Adfin’s intelligent payments solution and can’t wait to get it to market.


Product Manager


How do I sign up for Adfin?

To get started with Adfin, simply sign up for our waitlist. We're currently inviting a select number of businesses to help shape our product in the early stages. Sign up and we'll get in touch with you.

What are the costs associated with using Adfin?

Adfin keeps it simple. Creating an account is free, and there are no monthly fees. We only charge a 1% fee for successful payments, regardless of type. Some very specific card transactions cost us much more to process than others, so if any of these crop up we will levy an additional 1% fee on those to cover some of our costs. These are cross-border card transactions (ie, where the payer isn't in the UK) or corporate card transactions. Over time, our firm promise is to lower fees as the underlying payments get cheaper to process - for example, as more people adopt open banking.

Can Adfin sync with my accounting software?

Adfin seamlessly integrates with your cloud accounting software, like Xero. We have invested considerable time working closely with bookkeepers to ensure we reconcile accurately, including fees, as we know how hard this can be to get right.