Invoices your customers will love paying

Adfin is the only platform you need to get paid - faster and at lower cost.
‍No chasing, no checking bank accounts, no work at all.

An invoice with an option to pay with card or bank.
Invoice from Dental clinic.
Invoice from Lawyers.
Invoice from Security services
An invoice from a flower shop.

The best way to get paid

Unify card, bank and direct debit payments into one integrated platform. Ingest existing invoices from any source - without typing. Let Adfin handle distribution, reminders and automate reconciliation to your accounting software. Adfin means admin = finished, leaving you more time to grow your business.

Business owner thinking of his invoicing strategy.
Paying invoice on mobile phone.

The best payment experience for your customers

Payers pay faster when they get a great experience - that's a fact. Our professional, cross-platform distribution (email, SMS and whatsapp) and best-in-class payment experiences makes life easier for your customers and keeps them coming back for more.

Powerful tools which put you in control

Whether you are a sole trader looking for a single, simple solution to manage your business - or an accountant looking to manage your portfolio of clients - Adfin's Console is the simplest, cleanest way to manage your recievables.

Table view of invoices.

Solutions for you

Bookkeeper checking all of her invoices being paid.Bookkeeper checking all of her invoices being paid.


Get clients paid on time.

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2 business owners discussing how their invoices got paid fast with Adfin.
2 business owners discussing how their invoices got paid fast with Adfin.


Get your evenings back.

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Happy business owner thinking of his invoicing strategyHappy business owner thinking of his invoicing strategy


Payments made easy.

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Join our closed beta and build the product you need.

We are building Adfin in close collaboration with some of the most dynamic accountants, bookkeepers, lawyers and platforms out there. If you think getting paid could be better and are up for putting up with the odd broken link in return for free payments (and the odd cup of tea), let's chat!

The latest on our blog

Blogpst thumbanil.

Adfin emerges from stealth with $4.9m (€4.5m) in funding to build the best way for bills to get paid

We've launched Adfin to solve bill payments - for senders, and payers.
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Accountants and Bookkeepers, top 5 strategies to improve your cash flow

From automated invoicing, intelligent payment reminders, multiple payment options and more...
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How can Adfin be lower cost than competitors?

We’re making invoice payments work better for everyone.