Take back control of your bills.

Inbox exploding? Papers everywhere? We hear you. That’s why we built Adfin: letters, bills, payments, important things all in one app. Completely free, and incredibly easy to use. Admin = finished.

Coming soon

Fastest payment experience

Fed up of typing in account numbers and sort codes? Take a photo of a bill, or forward it to your Adfin email address, and pay it in Adfin with just a few clicks.

Scanning and paying an invoice.
Man making a secure payment with his phone.

Fully secured

Any bill sent to you has been checked by our security team: we guarantee that if we send you a bill, you are paying the right business. Payments with us are the most secure they can be.

Coming soon

Flexible payment options

Sometimes bills can be unexpected. Adfin gives you the option to pause or split bills into instalments

Intelligent payment methods to pay invoice.
A man looking at an email notification.
Coming soon

Your digital lockbox

It isn’t just for bills. Store anything important in your app - fully cloud-based, and encrypted with military grade security. Never lose a document again.

But how do we make money?

We are paid a small fee by businesses for distributing their invoices, keeping Adfin free for payers.


OMG I just love it! My bank app is awful so making payments without doing any typing at all is magic. Can’t wait to see what you guys do next!!


Great work on the app, it’s great and nice and easy to use. The split / pause feature will be amazing. One happy user here. Cheers
